Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is inspection of goods being exported prior to the shipment by a mandated Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) Agency. A PSI Agency carries out verification of quality, quantity, price (including currency exchange rate and financial terms) and customs classification for the destination country and then issues a Certificate with these details. Also, the scope of a PSI Agency may include Packing & Marking and Supervision of Loading for commodities and materials like Metals and Metal Products, Metal Scrap, Waste Paper, Plastic Scrap, Plastic Products, Sugar, Food Grains, Cashew, Coal, Ores, Minerals, Petroleum Products, Timber and many other items.
In international trade most of the countries today require Pre-Shipment Inspection. It is virtually mandatory to get Pre-Shipment Inspection done prior to shipment in Country of Origin for customs clearance in a "Member Country". The term "Member Country" here implies any country which is party to the World Trade Organization's (WTO) GATT and other Multilateral Trade Agreements and is defined as "a Member of which the government or any government body contracts for or mandates the use of Pre-Shipment Inspection activities".
Ravi Energie is a mandated PSI Agency and a Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) Certificate from Ravi Energie is required for Customs Clearance in the “Member Countries”. Clean Report of Findings (CRF) is also issued by us after inspection, specifying that the goods have been inspected before shipment and the price of the goods exported has been verified and both of these conform to the documented specifications. The CRF also known as PVoC in some countries is provided for the customs clearance purpose to the buyer or to the seller for the L/C requirements. In case the Report of Findings is adverse, a Discrepancy Report (DR) is issued to all parties. Ravi Energie Group also provides services related to Conformity Assessment, Non Negotiable Reports of Findings (NNRF) and Pre-export Verification of Conformity (PVoC)in most parts of the world through presence/representatives in all the major countries of the world.
We have a unique global network and being an independent inspection agency that's just around the corner, we can provide services at virtually every harbor and airport around the world. Our logistics and locations make it easier and affordable for Clients to avail our services and at the same time, the strict guidelines followed by us for our inspections assures our Clients and also the “Member” nations that no corruption is involved.
Being a member of Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) Council (formerly International Federation of Inspection Agencies - IFIA), we follow strict guidelines as defined by their code of conduct for all Inspections and staunchly believe in our Social Responsibility. All our personals involved in PSI undergo a rigorous training schedule which includes fire-arms, explosives, radio-activity and other Hazards detection. We also regularly carry our internal audits and have a unique client and employee feedback system through which we make sure that all the rules for inspections are being followed.